Thursday, January 08, 2009

Insert Clever Title Here

I know, I know, my intent was to try and post daily, but I just keep running out of time! Tonight was especially busy since I had to pack for my trip to CO (and pack all the kids). The fam is coming just through Monday then heading back while I finish out the week staying with L so we can get in some quality girl time. In positive work news, I got called in to brief a visitor unexpectedly (a product I hadn't looked at since last March no less!). Apparently he was impressed because the guy requested that my coworker and I come out to his site to brief the rest of his team. I don't know if it will actually happen (the gov't desn't really like to send contractors out as their reps, at least where I work), but it was nice kudos none the less :)

When you're low on time, believe it or not Lean Cuisine makes some pretty decent meals. Their sesame chicken is pretty fucking awesome!

I am going strong with my Chalean Xtreme program. I am finishing up week 2 tomorrow, and I plan to take my bands with me on my trip tomorrow so I can continue the program. Hopefully L forgives me my craziness, but I am determined to stick with this program and finish it out (I am notoriously bad at seeing rotations through, so I am trying to make myself accountable here!)

Things I'm Thankful For:
-That we called the gas company to find out why our bill was so high this month & when they sent out a guy to re-read the meter he told us the swamp cooler guys forgot to put the damper back on so we've apparently been heating all of Albuquerque (greatful that we caught it now before it gets even colder and greatful that this doesn't represent what our bill will look like for the rest of the winter!)
-That my BIL will be out of my house in less than 3 weeks! (he's been here since Thanksgiving & I am just ready to have my house back!)
- A cat who somehow knows it is okay to attack adults but never uses his claws or teeth on the kids (unless it is absolutely necessary ;)


stef said...

Yay Work recognition! That is awesome. Ima gonna Skype you sunday. looks like we will be snowed in...

Anonymous said...

That's one clever cat...

Laura said...

Wow, that sucks about your heating bill, but good thing you caught it! (It's nice that you can find a way to be gratefule for that--I think I'd just be pissed that it happened in the first place!)

And feel free to bring all the workout videos and stuff you want... I'm sure I'll still be sound asleep while you wake up at crazy hours of the morning to exercise, so it won't bother me a bit!

Laura said...

oops... blogger needs to add a spellchecker to the comment section!

Tacoma Baby Photo said...

Have fun in CO!!!

Tim...having fun driving back with all of the kids!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tim's a regular pro at driving cars full of kids by himself over hundreds of miles :)

I guess this means we can let the perimeter guards have the weekend off as not Visigothic invasion will be happening this weekend :)

Susanne said...

I'd keep your guard up ; )

Adrianople could be in the planing....hence the "family trip" to CO.


alexis said...

that is great news. I wish my knee would stop being all crazy so I could do some serious exercise too. Well, hrm, maybe not...