Friday, April 27, 2007

More Baby News

I meant to post this the other day, but we have been so frantic at work with our IG prep that I have barely had a chance to breathe much less do anything else! I went to see my perinatal specialist (PS) on Wednesday and the news was not as good as I would have liked. The baby is not growing at the rate her is supposed to. Prior to this ultrasound he was measuring at the 30th percetile; at this ultrasound his head was measuring at the 20th percentile and his stomach at only the 10th percentile. According to PS, the first sign that baby is not getting enough nutrients from the placenta is in the growth of the stomach area, so that is not a good sign. Also, although I didn't lose any weight, I also didn't gain any in the last two weeks. This is also a bad thing when you are as far along as I am.

This is precisely what happened with J, so they are going to start keeping an even closer eye on me than they have been. It is a little disappointing since everything seemed to be going so well, but we knew this was a possibility with my history. The difference this time around is that we were aware of the problem and monitored for it, so there are no surprises. With J, it was such a shock to hear that something might be wrong and to be forced to be induced on that very same day in a hospital in nowhere Japan with no NICU was very scary. Here we are in a city with some of the best health care in the nation available to us. I live within a 20min drive of three different hospitals, all with NICUs. Plus, baby is already weighing just about what J weighed when she was born, so he is already at a weight where he has an excellent chance of survival outside of the womb. So even though it wasn't the news we wanted to hear, I am feeling okay about the whole situation. PS said to take it easy (ha!) and to try not to lift J or other heavy objects and to rest as much as possible on my left side so that the baby can get as much oxygen as possible.

So that's where we're at right now. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up since, if things don't improve in the next couple of weeks, it looks like we may have to induce early with this one, too. Maybe if I eat a lot of ice cream baby will start to put on weight? ;)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good excuse to eat all those things you have been denying yourself! Seriously, I am starting to get things together so that I can be on the road 5 minutes after your phone call. It's good to know that he is already at a good weight. Hopefully it will turn out just like J, who has turned out wonderfully.

Susanne said...

EAT EAT EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then EAT some more!!!!!!!!!!!

And LISTEN to your DR!!!!!!!

Or course we are always thinking about you!!!

stef said...

I had heard through the podolny grapevine of the situation. We are all sending good vibes through the air to your little bambino...

Laura said...

I'm sorry things are going as well as you'd hoped, but at least it sounds like you have an excellent support system and are well prepared this time around! Good luck with everything :)

alexis said...

good vibes also being sent from Amsterdam!!!

Anonymous said...

Hand in there sweetie. All our thoughts are with you.