Monday, March 09, 2009

Get Your Popcorn Ready!

Bills chief operating office Russ Brandon woke up sometime after midnight Friday morning and noticed there was a text message on his cell phone. So he reached over and looked. It was from Trent Edwards, the quarterback of the Bills. "T.O.'' That's all it said.Brandon shot back with this: "?'' "T.O. was released. Go get him,'' Edwards texted back.
Heck, at least were relevent now...and we don't have to wait until the 59th minute of a 60 minute sports program to see Bills highlights!!! However it plays out, it will make the 2009 season a lot of fun..


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Geesh, what the hell were the Bears doing? We don't have nearly as many holes as the Bills do and our division is a shit-load easier to win. Angelo (or the McCaskey's) are jackasses. Ugh.

And to sign him for less than Berrian signed for with the Vikings....Good Lord, what a steal.

Susanne said...

He's such an ass hole. He's just trouble.....T--r--O-uble!!!!

Anonymous said...

holes, what holes!!! SUPERBOWL JOE!! haha, I'm not sure what to think, I was very optimistic about the season before hand, but at least now, we can watch a full blown soap opera entertain us while it plays itself out, hah!


Anonymous said...

Susanne- I still love you..


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I understand each individual word in this post but I can't make heads or tails of them put together. It's kind of interesting to read something for which you have no context. Was he in jail? (I don't think so, but that was my first interpretation.)

Anonymous said...

I'm with you SRM - and I actually follow football.