Sunday, July 22, 2012

Random Links + Olympics vs. Sharks

Debating Herr Hilz.

Debating College or what is the worth of a liberal arts degree.

The challenge of making friends as an adult.

Also, it is totally time for the muthah fucking Olympics, people!! And you all know how excited I get about the Olympics. The only bad part is that is interferes with fucking Shark Week. And you all know I feel about freaking Shark Week. How will I rectify this situation with no DVR?? Living overseas is really fucking with my television watching habits.


alexis said...

what do you mean no DVR at all?? You got a problem lady.

alexis said...

ok - I just read the article on making friends. It is harder to meet people after a certain age but that is also people's own damn faults for being so busy. In the west everyone feels obsessed that they need to constantly be doing things, making stuff, learning to dance.

I imagine if folks actually took a bit more time to go out and hang with people they'd make better friends. Don't get me wrong - it is hard just to peel yourself off your couch.

Renee Michelle Goertzen said...

Alexis, I make friends through dance...