Thursday, July 26, 2012

1 Day 8 Hours and 3 Minutes...

until the freaking the Olympics are here!!!!!!!! I maaaay have mentioned once or twice* how much I freaking love the Olympics. There is nothing else like it in the world. There is something about the idea of watching the pinnacle of an athlete's struggle for success combined with an overwhelming nationalist sentiment that just gets to me. Perhaps it is because, like my father, I have always had a great burning desire to achieve success athletically, or perhaps it is just because I love the way that the Olympics brings together nations of sometimes very disparate people. I tackle everything in life like it is an Olympic sport.**

I force let my kids watch the Olympics from the very moment of the opening ceremonies until the last synchronized swimmer has finished her flip kick. I am so Olympic obsessed that I even watch the Olympic torch bearers with interest. I remember watching the Olympics in Seoul in 1988 where one of the torch bearers was a former Olympian from 1932 who was denied his medal at the time (it was given to Japan who happened to be occupying Korea at the time). That is the epitome of what the Olympics means. So, sorry, Shark Week. I'm afraid you're going to have to go on without us this year. Awesome as you are, nothing tops the Olympics.***

*or multiple times with a preceding eff bomb. Don't judge me. 
**This does not go over well in "sports" like grocery shopping. Pussies.
***What if we combined Shark Week and the Olympics for the most awesome sporting/adventure event the world has ever seen? Rhythmic gymnastics would be just that much more interesting.


Bernice said...

Do any of your children share your passion for the Olympics?

alexis said...

lol, I think shark week + Olympics hasn't happened yet for your own good. It would probably be such a tremendous amount of awesomeness, your head might explode.