Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The World's Gone Crazy

Between the uprisings in the Middle East and the recent disasters in New Zealand, Australia, and Japan, it seems like the world's gone crazy. Husband thinks we're all going to die in 2012, but until we do, please consider going to the Red Cross and donating to your favorite cause. We used to live in Northern Japan (a few hours north of Sendai), and we have visited the area that was recently devastated by the earthquake and tsunami, and now the nuclear reactor business...It's very surreal to see a place where you spent so much time going through so much misfortune. Our hearts and prayers are with the people of Japan.


alexis said...

would be interested to see your pictures from that era, to compare. I donate regularly to doctors without boarders but I could probably up the contribution...

Dad said...

If hubs is right, I have a lot of eating and drinking to do before next year!