Saturday, January 19, 2008

You Need to Blog

Or so said the venerable De-I this evening. And so I blog ;) We are alive and well and settling in as best we can considering we still don't have a home to call our own. We are staying with my fabulous parents (who are weathering the storm with as good a humor as possible), and we think we may have found a home but I don't want to jinx anything so I won't post about it until we have a contract in hand. I have already started at work, and I have to say that its a little weird to be working as a contractor since it was only a week ago that I was still on active duty! The mindset is very different and it will take some adjusting to. The good news is that I think I'm going to really like my job. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to be doing out here, and I had prepared myself for the worst, so I am very pleased with the way things are going. Hubs is job hunting, and it seems to be going very well. Albuquerque has a distinct lack of people with both experience and drive and business acumen, so I think Hubs will be in real demand. The two little ones have started day care. After all my issues with BS, I chose to put them in a baby mill rather than a home daycare. I thought it would be better for them to be around children their own age and for J to be part of a preschool program. This particular center also has its own indoor pool and when J turns 3 she will start taking lessons as part of the daily program. C is still out of school since we don't have a permanent address yet, but Hubs has been printing off homeschool work for her so that she doesn't fall behind. Cross your fingers for us to have a home soon so that she can go to school! A is crawling all over the place and he can pull himself to standing now. Between him and J, one of my kids is constantly somewhere they shouldn't be ;)
So that's the news for now. Sorry it's so short, but I am just exhausted.


Susanne said...

I'm glad you guys all made it in one piece!! :)

It's a little pricier, but I think I'll put Christopher in an organized day care rather than someone's home. That way, at least you have some sort of idea of what they are spending their day doing.

I'm sure your hubs will have NO problem finding a job!!!

And thanks again for all of the WAY cute clothes :)

alexis said...

dad mentioned you're looking to try mountain-living? I absolutely forbid anyone in your family from wearing overalls.

Laura said...

Glad to hear you're all alive and well and that things are getting settled. Is C enjoying the time off from school or is she anxious to get started again?

I hope your living situation works out well and that you're all settled very soon :)