Saturday, July 23, 2005

First Post-Vacation Post - NBA Playoffs

Okay, so there's so much to tell from our fabulous vacation that I'm going to have to split this up into various topics. Since I know most of you use readin this as a break from work, I'm sure no one will object to the lengthiness ;) To the left is my favorite photo of Caitlyn from our very first night in San Antonio where we went guessed it..Game 7! I know it's a little old by now, but having my very first NBA game be Game 7 in the Spurs-Pistons playoffs, and then having San Antonio win, was pretty wild. Caitlyn got really into it, too (though she didn't understand the first thing about the game, she was an excellent cheerleader)! Getting back to the hotel was a nightmare, though. First of all, we landed in San Antonio on the day of the game, which meant that we had been traveling for nearly 24-hours by the time we even arrived. We got to the hotel and discovered that there would indeed be a game 7 (Detroit having won the night before while we were still in the air). It's been over 20 yars since the NBA playoffs went to a game 7, and we figured when the hell will we ever have a chance like this again, so off Tim went to find a scalper. Luckily, the girl who checked us into the hotel had a brother who was looking to unload some tickets, so it wasn't aa difficult a task as one might think. After an all too short nap, we were off to the game. Caitlyn got her face painted and collected as much free Spurs gear from the various businesses advertising their services as possible before we discovered our seats at the very tip-top of the stadium. As you all know, I am not thrilled about heights (not to mention the lack of balance that comes with advanced pregnancy), so I was extremely unhappy about the long, steep stairs, but once the game started, we didn't even notice the distance. After the game, which was actually pretty close until the last quarter, we fought our way out as quickly as possible and rushed to the car to try to beat the traffic. Hah! Not likely! The entire city of San Antonio had rushed out to celebrate post game. People were running down the streets screaming, honking, and waving "Go Spurs Go" signs like maniacs. The 2 1/2 hours it took us to reach out hotel (a 5-10 minute drive from the Stadium but also directly downtown) was marked by a girl mooning the very slow car procession, entire families sitting out on the lawn screaming out their support for the Spurs, peolpe running down the street between cars to slap the hands of the drivers, a cowboy with a bullhorn, and either a hooker or just a really drunk college girl screaming for someone to suck her (I'll let you fill in the blank). All in all a pretty eventful night, which I probably would have enjoyed more if we hadn't just flown in from the other side of the world :)

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