Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Not Dead, I Swear

I might feel like it, but I don't think I am actually dead. Work has just been overwhelming, then we had the munchkin invasion, and we're in the midst of C's softball season, which means at least two long games a week. So, anyway, not much time to write. I can share one interesting little conversation I had with the goose while watching C's long and painful softball tonight (they only lost by 20 this time!) who is clearly being influenced by her school:

J: Mama, I'm going to be a baptized.
Me: Oh?
J: Yes, just like you and Daddy.
Me: Well, I was never baptized.
J: *arches brow and stares at me seriously* Yes, you were. At the ice cream store.
Me: I don't think people get baptized at ice cream stores.
J: Well, I do. I'm going to get my baptized and then eat some ice cream.
Me: I'm pretty sure you have to get baptized in a church.
J: Oh, I have a church at my school. It has the baby Jesus and he's being held by the Daddy Jesus.
Me: Really?
J: Yes. And the Daddy Jesus is next to the Mommy Jesus who's name is Mary. Mary is Jesus's cousin. Like my cousin Y.
Me: I don't think you have that quite right
J: Yes, Mary is the cousin and the mommy. She is very importantant. Like Haiti.
Me: Like what?
J: Like Haiti. Haiti had an earthquake and now she has no mommy and no daddy, so we need to give her money.
Me: I'm not following.
J: *indignantly* Haiti got hurt and everyone is giving her money, so give me some money so I can help Haiti!
Me: I don't think Haiti is a her.
Me: How can a person have an earthquake?
J: People can have earthquakes. That's how they lose their mommies and daddies. It is sad and then you give them money. That's how it works.
Me; Fair enough, here's a quarter.


alexis said...

LOL!! That was worth way more than a quarter!

Well, I can't wait to have you guys (sort of) all to my self in France in a few months! Then we can catch up again.

Susanne said...

What a little whip!!

Stef said...

oh man. your conversations with J are the best

Bernice said...

What position does C play? Is she ok with the loosing part?