Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Feeling Sorry for Myself

Work continues to suck all the life out of me *sigh* In some ways I love what I do, and I think I am pretty damn good at it (my boss told me that I am too talented to be working at our place of business, lol...either that means he really thinks I'm talented, or he is angling to make me more loyal, either way it worked, hah!). Our customer, however, is exceedingly difficult and just sucks all of the joy out of my day to day life. I wish I could just put it aside when I get home, but I can't help it. It keeps me awake at night knowing all of the help we could be providing that is just being thrown away by a group of very petty and selfish individuals who have no idea what they're doing. This place is the epitome of fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayer money, and it makes me sick to my stomach whenever I think about it. On top of all that, to make up for their incompetence, I (and my team) end up workng long hours to meet unrealistic expectations, so I have very little time away from this toxic environment.

On the plus side, I live in a freaking paradise. Of course, this means that everyone else wants to come and visit paradise, and now I have to fight them all to get home. I fucking hate Spring Break.*

Recently Heard:

C: Mom, I need to use some of the carbon pernoxide.
Me: What?
C: The carbon pernoxide for my ears*
Me: You mean the hydrogen peroxide?
C: Yeah, that. Whatever, I'm not good with chemical stuff.
Me: Then I guess you won't be building a meth lab any time soon.
C: *stares witheringly** You're not funny, Mom.

J: *coughs weakly* I lost my wait, I found it under the table.

*Wah, wah, waaaah - I'm such a Debbie Downer lately!
**recently pierced


Susanne said...

Ah...spring break. I was watching the spring breakers on Leno...OH to be young & drunk in paradise : D

Just remember, our door is always open!!! Nuthin' like sitting in a small shed, fishing in 3 degree weather, while nibbling on cheese
; ) me!!!! hahaha

Bernice said...

Kids do you keep your life interesting.

Dad said...

Small blessings - C not into chemistry

alexis said...

that totally sucks about the job. I TOTALLY understand what you mean about not being able to leave it at the office. Especially and perniciously it comes home when it's not going well. It is because you are a good person and you put your heart and soul into what you do. Fingers crossed things get better! Uh, is there any chance of that happening?