Thursday, August 20, 2009

Shengri Kuaile!

Today was my birthday. Hubs and childrens made me a delicious meal of his special lasagna served with salad and fresh bread and a lucious cheesecake for desert. The kids got me tanning oil and aloe, and C gave me a crocheted basket she has been working on for several months. I was instructed to put sugar packets in said basket (it is a small basket) that way I can carry them around and have sugar whenever I want. Such a thoughtful girl, my C! Hubs got me a Marshawn Lynch tee shirt. It was a very satisfying way to turn 23 ;)


So, as you all know, I have been diligently working at sticking to my Insanity routine. I am really, really loving this program. It satisfies my deep need to be dripping ball of sweat barely able to lift myself off the floor. Anyway, here's my stats 3 weeks later:

Switch Kicks - 72
Power Jacks - 54
High Knees (L) - 92
High Knees (R) - 96
Power Jumps - 30
Globe Jumps - 12
Suicide Jumps - 17
Push-up Jacks - 20
Plank Knees - 64

Not too shabby, eh? The only thing I didn't improve on was the suicide jumps, so that will be my goal for next time.

Kid Bits:

In other exciting news, the Hubs and female chil'ens decided to go boogie boarding on Sunday since the hurricane weather has had the positive effect of giving us lots of waves. As he and the girls we were wading out into the suspiciously empty waters someone from the shore yelled out, "Shark!" Hubs then noticed not one but two shark fins a ways out from the shore. Needless to say, it was a short beach trip.

C is very nervous to start school this year. She's started many a school (this will be her 5th elementary school), but for some reason she seems more anxious this time around. I think it might be the age she's at, but she insists it's because of the "butt ugly uniforms." J, on the other hand, is ecstatic about going to C's school. Yesterday she sang me a song about it whilst strumming loudly on her guitar. It went something like this: "School, school., schooly school school. I am goooooing to school. And I get to wear a ugly uuuuuuniform. And it is C's school. And it is my school. And there will be bears there. And maybe cats. Schooooooool! *pause* Mama! Stop dancing, I can't think when you dance!"

Today, however, J informed me that she was unable to sing because A was bothering her with his loud screeching. "It hurts my eyes," she informed me in a very serious tone, "and my hair."


Susanne said...

Please tell J I totally sympathize. My hair hurts too when C & G scream, LOL!!!!!!

As much as I LOVE fashion and apparently have to desire to retire (Gymboree & Nordstrom are not very good in the investment return department) I'm so glad C has to wear a uniform to school. (Can you believe he's going to SCHOOL this year?????) It's just one thing kids really don't need to worry about while trying to learn.

There are enough pressures out there!!!!

kickin' ass with the work out girl!

Susanne said...

have "no" desire....

my pregnant brain doesn't process grammar very well.

Susanne said...


stef said...

Happy Birthday you sweatball you! 23 is quite an amazing age to have a 10 year old! ;)

alexis said...

holy god I am the worst sister on earth - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lisa!!! Sounds like you guys had a wonderful, wonderful time :)

Laura said...

Happy Birthday Nikki!.. glad to hear it was a good one! I'm jealous of your sugar basket ;) (that sounds a little dirty)

So what kind of awesome school is this where they have bears and cats?!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! And that sounds like a birthday dinner that can't be beat. Cheesecake, yum.

Dad said...

Crap - one day late on the birthday phone call - I have it wrong in my outlook.

Perhaps C is unhappy at the thought of J at HER school crooning her song?