My sister shared
this in the comments section of my last post, but I know a lot of people don't go back to read those, so I wanted to share it with you all because it really touched me. We are not poor but any standard, and I somehow lucked into working in a field I love that also pays me extremely well. I have a wonderful family and beautiful, healthy children who have never had to wonder where their next meal will come from or where they will sleep tonight. I am truly, truly blessed. Thi is one of the most amazing aspects of blogging. Reading other, ordinary peoples' experiences can lift you up or make you feel like there is someone else out there in the world who feels just like you. For example, I choked up when she talked about missing the babies her boys once were. A is still a baby, and yet I sometimes feel like crying when I snuggle him in my arms and smell his warm, whispy baby hair. Now I understand why the youngest is usually the most spoiled of children. (generalizing here, youngest children, please don't come after me with pitchforks like the scientists did! ;) Because I know this is probably going to be the last opportunity I have to hold a little baby in my arms, I spend as much time as I possibly can holding him, tickling his fat little tummy, and covering him with kisses. My heart delights and yet aches with each little milestone he hits because I know I'll never go through those steps with another baby. And that is why, despite my greatest efforts by blogging about the absolute misery I endured during my pregnancy with A, I will always long for another baby even if logic insists that we really don't need any more children. Damn those mommy hormones!
Toddler or Psycho
Now I'd like to introduce a new segment here at Pu's Corner called "Am I a toddler or a psychopath?" It's simple, really. Just read the following and ask yourself, "Am I exhibiting the behavior of a psychopath or emulating the average toddler?"*
1. Do you, at every opportunity, remove your clothing and run around the room screaming in delight, "I'm naaaaked! Naked, naked, naked!" while swinging your naked butt from side to side?
2. When asked what you would like to do for the evening, do you throw a plastic eggplant across th room and shout, "No! I would
not like any vegetables, Sam I Am!"
3. When it is time to go to bed, do you run and hide under your covers shrieking loudly, "There's no one here! There's no one here!"
4. When you hear a place flying overhead, do you run around your backyard squaking like a bird trying to find it? When you do manage to locate the plane, are you then extremely disappointed to find that it is, yet again, too far away for you to catch?
5. Do you randomly run up to people and ask them, "Sing song wit' me?" and then cut them off before they can answer, "Okay.
A, b, c, d, hmm hmm
h, i, j, k, lemmeno b, hmm hmm,
s, t, u, v, hmm hmm
and z! Now sing again, okay? Okay.
A, b, c, d...."
Pu Party
Hubs and I decided to forego a long planned night out for my birthday in favor of a family party that didn't cost us a dime :) My fabulous father de-I
cooked all my favorite foods (poor Hubs and Mrs. De-I had to suffer since Hubs dislikes fish, Mums is not crazy about lamb and neither of them are fond of mushrooms). Um, I was going to write more, but I got interrupted (amazing, I know, that
never happens). Now that I've put all children to bed (several time thanks to the no-sleeping phase J is going through right now) my mind is finally clear enough that I've completely forgotten everything else I was going to write. Oh, now I remember, I totally got the good quality digital camera I have been begging for for over three years (Canon Powershot S5IS). My old camera was a piece of shit to being with (it wasn't very good quality and had a terrible delay that gave me many pictures of the back of my children's heads as well as consistent red-eye any time I managed to catch them with their head turned around the right way), but then A went spilled a drink on it and now it's a piece of shit and the shutter doesn't open properly. So you could say that this was the perfect time for a new camera. Luckily Hubs agreed and also he bought the camera before we got the news about the IRS and the dental bill, so he didn't know we were going to be strapped for cash when he bought it. Happy birthday to me! ;) In all truthfulness, I was so excited when I got it that I did not even care about any of the practical things we could have used the money on. I needed a new camera, damn it! Now I can have my memories captured in many more megapixels and without the constant red-eye. It was totally worth it!
*I only ask these things because Hubs has started making comments about my behavior as of late ;)