Friday, April 04, 2008

A Cat Named ?

I know, I know, I haven't blogged in forever. Just to give you an update, Alex is sick with a flu-like virus that includes a shitty diaper full of diarhea every ten minutes (& the diaper rash to go with it), J is a maniac who needs to have my constant attention or else she will go into meltdown mode, C is doing much better with her school work (she's going to be tested for the gifted program & I hope that being challenged in class will help her pay attention more!), Hubs decided we didn't have enough children to take care of so he got us a kitten that the kids are incredibly enamored with, and in the last ten minutes alone I have shouted:
- Do not pick up the cat by its head!
- Who pooped?!
- The cat does not need to have its nose picked!
- Who pooped?!
- Don't touch that! Don't touch that! Don't touch that! (each iteration getting a little higher in pitch)
- Seriously, who pooped?!

So, that's my life right now in a nutshell. Hope you all are weathering the spring madness with equal calm ;)


Laura said...

Wow, sounds like chaos in your house! At least it's the weekend right? I hope A is feeling better soon!

Susanne said...


we were at the Children's museum this morning and at some point Greg said "Someone smells like poop!"

I just looked at him like he was nuts. Clearly he doesn't understand the dynamics of children's bowels.

Anonymous said...


Lakeview Coffee Joe said...

Funny writing, though I think my blood pressure just went up reading it! Tim, what the hell?? Buying a cat! Good Lord man. Poor Lisa has enough to deal with!!

(it's nice to be the blog writer!)

stef said...

Oh my. and alexis was asking me why we never hear from you...

alexis said...

I wish I hadn't been eating a tasty, but shaped-like-turd Bountry bar when I read this post.

Anonymous said...

I feel as if I need to explain things a bit more clearly than what has been posted.

Anonymous said...

Posted on myspace blog!

So I decided to buy a kitten…here is my reasoning.
I have come across the ownership of a few cats in my lifetime and every time, every experience was horrible for me and the cats involved and had to get rid of them each time for different reasons. Of course I found them good homes and blah, blah, blah but the point is a pet is a lifetime commitment in which I have never fully committed myself too. I feel like it was on a list of things to accomplish in my lifetime, why not start while having little kids around to enjoy it as well, right? (I certainly don’t want to be tortured by way of kitty claws in hell for 300 years or reincarnated into a homeless, starving cat or some shit). At any rate, the kitty karma has started a war on my ass man; this cat (named Marley von Z) thinks the whole house is a f’n litter box, he meow’s his ass off and wants to brush his shitty ass up against every thing I own! He is secretly making me pay my dues to the kitty gods. I know he will learn to go in his area and so forth to do his thing and he is a super cool cat, wtf, his name is Marley!! At any rate, some of you really thought I was nuts to get a cat and my good friend Debo thought it would be dead by now (no, he is well), but I felt like I owed it to the Feline world and myself to make a lifetime commitment to an animal that otherwise, was left as coyote bait in the Sandia mountains.