Thursday, July 05, 2007

How Was Your 4th?

Cause mine pretty much sucked. I know I've been sort of incognito since A's birth, and I appologize for that. I thought I would have all this time to take care of projects and catch up on my correspondence while I stayed home. But it turns out that every time you add another child to your family things get just a little bit harder. Who knew?! Additionally, it appears that my difficult pregnancy was just a prelude of things to come. A is a difficult baby. I think it's too early to say he's colicky, but he does cry an awful lot. We ended up missing the fireworks yesterday because I was too exhausted to do anyting (I was up from about 2:30 the night before with A). I thought it was just constipation (we have started supplementing with formula because I don't make enough milk to satisfy him - this is an issue I've had with all my kids but usually not so soon), but we took care of that (I was scared to do it, but a rectal thermometer is a god send for mom's with constipated babies) and he is still fussy! He is just very needy. He needs to be held all the time, that seems to be the only thing that calms him down. That's not to say that he cries constantly. He also sleeps ;) No, he does have a few waking periods where I lay him under him jungle gym or put him in the swing, but those times usually last for about 10-15 mintues and then its back to fussing. I don't think I will be nearly as depressed to return to work this time around!

J has hit the terrible twos like a hurricane (which is pretty much how she does everything). She has become slightly more needy and definately has more tantrums than before A arrived. I totally love this age, too, because she's talking and communiating with me and can play real games (we got her a play kitchen and a Barbie play house - yay Craigslist), but it is difficult to balance a needy toddler and a needy baby. And, poor C is just getting shafted at this point. She's mommy's little helper. The only problem is she tends to live in her own little world (I told you she took after AinA!). So if I send her up to get a diaper for A or J she will most likely make a detour to pretend the diaper is a magical talisman which can change her into a princess. While extremely cute, this is also incredibly irritating when I have baby shit on my hands.

To top it all off, we found out on Monday that Hubs is going to have to get surgery in a couple of weeks. He's got a hernia, so now he's in the position of not being able to lift anything (especially a wriggly toddler or baby), so now I get to know he felt all these last few months. All I can say is thank god this happened now when I am sufficiently healed to handle the kids and not a few weeks ago! Luckily my MIL will be here when Hubs goes in for surgery (not so luckily we'll also have my step-kids, so it will be 5 kids and 2 able bodied adults), so I'll have some help with the kids while he's recovering.

Anyway, sorry for all the whining. But if I didn't whine to you all, then Hubs would have to deal with it, and I just don't think he can take any more stress! ;) We'll be okay (have I mentioned recently how happy I am to not be pregnant anymore?), we just have to make it through these next couple of months and pray that A learns to sleep through the night sometime soon!


Susanne said...

OMG Nikki!!!!!!

Christopher was totally colicky and it's was SO hard....

I absolutely can't imagine having a colicky baby with a toddler around.

Mucho kuddos to you mama!!!

Anonymous said...

I have it from a reasonably reliable source that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately the tunnel seems to be about 18 years long. On the other hand you still have bodily function noises in the car on the way back from the restaurant to look forward to.

stef said...

oh!oh!oh! Poor Tim. Please give him a big hug from us.
It all sounds so very hard. If you can, try to lay aside any guilt (hard!) you're having about the kids. Save it for later if you can't totally let it go. In times like this you have to find the zen. You can only do what you can do, so making yourself feel bad about it won't help, right? You are doing any absolutely amazing job in a difficult situation and all your kids will understand that....some day. ;)

Laura said...

Poor Nikki, you sound so worn out! And poor Tim too... everything seems to be happenning at once. At least we get a sweet raise this month, right Cap'n?

alexis said...

hang in there middle sis! Maybe A & J will be difficult babies and super-easy teens? Is there a 1-to-1 trade off for bad periods?

Anonymous said...

Let it out Baby, Let it out!!