Saturday, October 05, 2013


J had her Girl Scout walk-a-thon fundraiser today. Apparently Girl Scouts overseas aren't allowed to see cookies for some reason. If I had known that, I might have seriously reconsidered signing her up in the first place! In all seriousness, J looooves Girl Scouts. I was a terrible Girl Scout. I lasted 1 year in Brownies solely because my mom was the troop leader. I have never been an artsy-craftsy person, and I really only wanted to join because they did a big camp out at the end of the year.* J is clearly a chip off my mom's shoulder. She is taking 2 different art classes this year (painting & drawing and cartooning), and she still wants to do other crafty activities, so Girl Scouts is right up her alley. Unfortunately for me, the walk-a-thon was held right in the middle of the hot, swampy afternoon, and J insisted that I accompany her through all of her laps, so I am pretty much immobile now. J herself was a red, sweaty mess at the end, but hanging with some friends for ice cream after the fact seemed to help perk her right up. I, on the other hand, and laying on the couch complaining about my back. Pregnant or old lady? Maybe both?

*which I ended up missing when I came down with strep throat. Oh, irony. 


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

Go Jocelyn! Can't wait to have her visit us in NM next summer!

alexis said...

take it easy pregnant lady and sorry I was lame and missed donating before the walk! :( Lost track of time while on holiday