Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Officially T2

Today marks the official first day of the second trimester. At least according to my What to Expect app it is. So it must be true, right? So why am I still so freaking tired!! Ugh! I'm so tired of being tired. I went from exercising 6-7 days a week for 60-90min a day to exercising, well, kind of whenever I have the energy. I can no longer get up in the morning, it is just too damn hard. I cram in a 30min walk & light weights at lunch (45min max) on days when I'm not feeling nauseous or light-headed. I do usually manage a workout on the weekends, but it just feels like such, well, work.

I am so looking forward to the "honeymoon" phase of T2 when the nausea and fatigue fade but the big boobs remain.* I'm still far too small for maternity clothes but have long since outgrown my normal clothes. Thank god for belly bands, but even those don't help solve the problem of regular shirts making you look like you've eaten a few too many doughnuts. We're not making any official announcements at work, which makes me a wee bit self conscious about people looking at my growing belly. This is mostly because I just don't care but also because I find that most people don't seem to know how to react when you say you're pregnant with #4. The responses have ranged from, "Was this an oops baby?" to uncertain looks while people wait for my cue to indicate whether or not we are happy about this development. The only people to react with genuine excitement are the couple of friends who knew we were trying and one friend who already has 6 kids of his own! It's a little off putting, actually, so I just decided I'm already cranky enough and I'd rather just not deal with it at all. I suppose people will figure it out on their own eventually. :)

*Don't judge me, for some of us, this is our only shot of big boob-dom. 


alexis said...

lol. Just give in and start wearing the maternity clothes!

Michael Podolny said...

Well I'm sure the party trimester will be...well a party.

I don't think you should tell anyone at all. Just keep acting as if everything is normal. Then act all surprised when you actually give birth.

Andrew said...

First off, congrats on your expecting pregnancy. I just stumbled across your blog researching the FSO process (I have to submit my PNQ's in a couple of days). I had to reach out and write because a) I'm applying to the Econ Cone having b) just graduated with my JD and MBA from Florida (yay Floridians/go Gators!) and c) I spent a semester living in Kowloon Tong in Undergrad and I am hoping Mandarin (not Cantonese, I am terrible at it) will help me out if I make it past Orals. So aside from the motherhood/military service, I definitely am seeing some strange echoes of my own sentiments in your writing.

PS if you are still in the HK area, hidden gem for the kids: Kowloon City has some soccer courts up the hill slightly from the Lok Fu plaza and its absolutely brimming with pick-up games saturday mornings.

Pulisha said...

Hi Andrew,

Welcome and congrats on making it through the FSOT and of course for getting your JD/MBA, which is not too shabby either. :) If you've got questions about the process or the FS life, I'm more than happy to answer. My email is pulisha98@yahoo.com. Good luck with the PNs!


allison said...

I loved my maternity pants! I started wearing them really early. I know tons of FS families here in Manila with 4 kids!

I mean, I would totally give you the "wow, that's crazy" face but I'm still in the waking through the night, feeding all the time phase of a young baby. I can't even imagine having 2 at this point!