Monday, January 07, 2013

Gender Differences

Example Boy Pretend Play:
A: *picks up random object* This is a gun. POW POW! Mama you dead!

Example Girl Pretend Play:
J: Okay, Mommy. Pretend I am a dog, a baby dog, the cutest baby dog you have ever seen. And I am a German Shepherd mixed with Golden Retriever mixed with Dalmatian mixed with Chihuahua baby. And I got lost and then you saw me. Mooooommmmmy. Are you paying attention? Okay, I'm a baby puppy who is part German Shepherd mixed with Golden Retriever mixed with Dalmatian mixed with Chihuahua, and I got lost. And then you saw me swimming over there in the middle of the pool, and you said, 'Oh, what a cute baby puppy who is lost over there.' And then you wanted me to come over and be a part of your family so we can bake cookies together. Mommy? Mommy? Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mooooommmmmmy. Are you paying attention?


adventures and misadventures abroad said...

It's nice to see that J is carrying out the family tradition of kids wanting to be animals. Though I don't remember any of you being so detailed about it. Just a lot of mewing and barking!

Michael Podolny said...

How could you possibly be paying attention. You were shot dead already.

alexis said...

sigh. Stereotypes exist for a reason I suppose!