Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A++ You Knocked It Outta The Park

Or so I was told by my gov't overlords following my Very Important Briefing (VIB) today. Next up, six dozen more VIBs! Never time for a breather *sigh* (but at least I don't have to worry about trying to find another job, lol!).

Hubs is off to LA on Friday, so it'll just be me and the kidz for a few days. Looking forward to quality hooping time (hula, that is) with the Goose (J). A will have to live without his Mario for a few days since I don't play (I've never seen a kid more interested in watching Daddy play video games over watching tv, go figure!). C will, alas, be on punishment since she "lost" her report card. The great irony is that the one class she did poorly in was religion, and I could have cared less about that particular grade (what can I say, we send them to Catholic school but I'm not Catholic). But now she's in trouble b/c she "lost" her report card (mysteriously not losing any other bit of paperwork) and then hid it from us. Loving the pre-teen years!!


alexis said...

congrats, you big brained sister of mine!! Sounds like the kids are getting very interesting these days :)

Good luck surviving the weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is funny that C 'lost' her report card when almost all of her grades were so good.

Hope the solo parenting weekend goes well.

Michael Podolny said...

Good thing you love those pre-teen years as the even more fun teen years are just ahead.

Stef said...

Congrats on the work news! Can't wait to see all those kids...