Thursday, September 06, 2007


Sorry I haven't had the chance to post for a while. Obviously things are a bit hectic now that I'm back at work and all, and, of course, with Hubs being gone last weekend. I swear that the cosmos are totally aware of Hubs' travel patterns and plan accordingly because I got absolutely zero sleep this last weekend. Between J being sick and puking one night, A pissing on my fabulous couch, and the fact that I literally lay in bed in a pool of my own sweat and prayed for morning to come so I could just get a freaking shower! I know I shouldn't bitch, what with the generally gorgeous and perfect weather we have here, but I have lived in some seriously crappy weather places (Seattle rain, West Texas humidity, Misawa snow...) that I deserve good weather (*stomps feet and whines* I deseeeeerve it!) . Plus we don't have A/C, so we were all sweaty and cranky this weekend. Thank god the heatwave seems to have broken and we are getting our breeze back.

C started school today.* She was super excited but a little nervous. She keeps telling me how she's worried about how hard third grade is going to be *gack* (sorry, I just choked a little bit at the thought that I have somehow become old enough to be the mother of a third grader!!) We ran into her friend Hannah while walking to school (I came in late today), so I got some cute pics of them, which I'll upload here at some point. The little ones were pretty good. A decided to wait until the school bell rang to start screaming his poor, little head off. Of course, he didn't stop until we got home, so I'm sure the neighborhood enjoyed that! :)

Not So Cool Mom

C: That's crazy.
Me: Yeah, that's redunkulous**
C: Mo'ooom, redunkulous is not a word.
Me: Of course it's a word. If it wasn't a word how could I say it?
C: *sternly* Mom, redunkulous is not a word.
Me: It isn't?
C: *with a very serious face* No.
Me: Well, I like it.
C: *sighs heavily* Mom, you are so not cool.

*Please do not ask me why RB has kids start school on a Thursday. Who starts their week on a Thursday? Also, do not ask me why the summer camp run by the same city ends 2 weeks before school starts. Maybe they were as confused about the school start date as I was?

**My girl K is always using this expression, which I think is ginormously hilarious. For example, say your organization was planning to be a part of a huge, nation-wide exercise that usually takes upwards of a year or more to plan for. And, say your organization had worked hard on coming up with a scenario for said exercise only to be told by your HHQ (higher headquarters) that the exercise was now going to be led by a totally different and mucher higher HHQ (an HHHQ?) and that your organization was no longer invited to play, nyah, nyah, nyah. Well, first you would feel a little indignent and your feelings would be hurt because you are the evil, red-headed, aquisition step-child that no one wants to play with. Then you would get over it and realize that it saves you a whole heck of a lotta work. Then, several months later, HHQ sends you an e-mail asking for technical data for the scenario you weren't allowed to use because you weren't allowed to participate. And when you ask them what is going on they say, "Oh yeah, did we forget to tell you? We are going to let you play, but, just to get you up to speed, the final planning conference is next week and the exercise is going to kick off next month insetad of in four months. Sooo, we kind of need that incredibly difficult to produce technical data (that you told the engineers not to worry about)" --- that, my friends, is redunkulous.


alexis said...

oh wow, 3rd grade. Damn. I wish you would send some of that heat this way. We have gotten, seriously, once this year into the 90's.

Re the redunkulous work situation. What can I say? Misery loves company. It is totally the same in the private sector.

Anonymous said...

I think the amazing thing about the military is not that they make things complicated and absurd but that anything gets done at all!

stef said...

Let's say you have hired, at an incredibly high pay rate, a CIO for your company. Your ship comes in and you land a huge client that requires lots of IT work and managing. The work comes in and nothing technical works like it is supposed to and you have your operations team manually fixing data spreadsheets that should be automated.
Since the CIO doesn't seem to be doing so well, you transfer the responsibility of fixing everything to a new person that started 2 months ago at a much lesser salary, while not giving him any authority to delegate to anyone else. Then you also tell your DPM (also at a much lesser salary) to manage your CIO. What you end up with is a three-headed monster that accomplishes nothing and that my friends, is REDUNKULOUS.

Laura said...

Well Nikki, no matter what your kids think, I think you're totally cool :) Of course, that may not mean much to you since I've discovered that through the eyes of my 15 year old sister I've now reached an age where I'm definitely not cool either. In fact I think she thinks I'm kind of a dork.

How about the fact that your unit won't fund an important mission-related TDY, but will tell your coworker that they have to go participate in the AF Marithon and then pays for the whole trip? Also redunkulous.

Anonymous said...

Sometime government organizations and industry do their best to make good ol' ivory tower academia look positively effective and streamlined.

Susanne said...

Unfortunately I'm not the fabulous army wife that knows everything about her husband's job, but according to everyone I know in the military who talks about their job


or yes, you and your friend K would say.