Sorry its been so long since my last post. What with going back to work (boo!), starting up my Master's program, and the new baby and all, I just don't have the free time I used to :) Jocelyn just hit the two-month mark, and she is doing soooo well! She had her check up on Friday and weighed in at a whopping 9lb 4oz, which is still about 5oz less than Caitlyn weighed when she was born! I won't post my weight (ha ha), but I've lost 3lb since my 6 week check up. It is frustrating because I only had a 15lb weight gain (I also lost muscle and gained fat), but it looks worse because I am so short. Plus, it all seems to have gathered in my belly, hips, and upper thighs. My arms are actually thinner then they were before I got pregnant (but I think that is also because I lost muscle). My friend Laura wrote in her blog about a dream she had that she'd had a baby and she was so happy because she finally had boobs...well, let me tell you that they are not all they are cut out to be! They get in the way of everything. They leak all the time (love those Advent nipple pads!). They no longer belong to you (or your husband ;), and you must hand them over every time the tiny tyrant who has invaded your home begins to scream for them. They make you look fatter than you are unless you wear very tight clothing, which then shows your new "mommy tummy." Plus, absolutely nothing fits. Even clothes that fits around my newly acquired stomach don't fit around my massive boobs!
Okay, enough about breasts for today! Going back to work was really tough. I remember it being difficult with Caitlyn, as well, but not as hard as it seems now. I feel like I'm missing out on so much, and all I want to do when I get home is wake her up from her nap and play with her (which neither she nor Tim is thrilled about, since he's been home with her all day). I used to love my job, but now so much of it seems like a big waste of time. I have never worked anywhere that has as many pointless meetings or gatherings. It's really ridiculous, and it takes up so much of my time. I'm now being seen as the "uninvolved" officer because I'd rather spend my lunchtime meeting my family at the gym then going on the weekly officer luncheon our new DO has installed. I also refuse to attend retarded awards luncheons and dinners for people I don't know and have never met, but I'm expected to go since I'm an officer. Quite honestly, I think it all looks phony. These people don't care if I'm there to support them. They don't even know me! Now we have this officer/SNCO day planned for this Friday. We're all going to get together and play flag football. Oh goody! A sport I don't understand and don't care to play with people I don't know or don't like, and did I mention I'm 8 weeks post-partum? Gee, I can't wait! I'm so glad I'm back at work. Force Shaping is looking more and more attractive!
At least the rest of the family is doing well. Caitlyn is really enjoying school. She still has an issue with talking too much and her lack of time management is really frustrating! I understand that she's only six, but it is really ridiculous! I don't understand how one little girl can take over an hour to get ready in the morning, and that doesn't even include the time she takes to eat breakfast. All she has to do is get dressed (we pick her clothes out the night before), brush her teeth and hair, and give the dog food and water (both dishes are located in our laundry room, so she doesn't even have to go outside any more). How can this possibly take an hour? I've tried everything I can think of to get her to do things faster, but nothing seems to work. So if anyone has suggestions, I'll take 'em!
Jocelyn is starting to become really engaged with the rest of the world. She's smiling now, and she loves to look at faces. She's got this huge, adorable double chin and super chubby legs. It's sooo cute. She looks just like Daddy ;) Speaking of Daddy, Tim is working very hard on his school stuff. He's got one class that he loves and another where the teacher is very demanding and nit-picky, which can be frustrating in an on-line environment since you can't just sit down and have a conversation with someone and e-mail can be misleading. He's also planning another trip to San Antonio in November to see Tommy and Vanessa. I'll stay here with the other two for this one since I don't have the leave to go as well.
I have lots of new pictures to post, and I promise to do that as soon as I get the chance. Right now we're going to watch Robots for our Sunday family activity. Gotta go make some popcorn!