Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Can't Even Keep Up With a Blog

Ah, yes, I can hear you all now, She's just another flash-in-the-pan blogger. Au contriare, my friends, I am just a really lazy blogger! :) Actually, we just swicthed over to mids, so I am working the uber-sleep friendly 1830-0630 shift I have grown to love so much. My days now consist of trying to pack in as much sleep as possible between getting home between 0730-0800 in the morning and having to pick up Caitlyn from school at 1400. It generally translates into about 5 hours a day, but that's only if I don't have any meetings or other appointments during the day. Just to give you all a taste of a normal week. This week alone I had Commanders Call at 1730 on Monday prior to the start of my shift. On Tuesday I had a no-go board to attend after shift at 0730 and the unit's quarterly awards ceremony at 1200. Wednesday I had a going-away lunch to attend at 1130, but I have the night off so I may very well get some sleep. However, Thursday I have my ultrasound at 1000, our weekly flight meeting at 1300, the unit's end-of-month promotion ceremony at 1400, flight bowling at 1500, and a going-away dinner at 1830, not to mention that I have to make it to the commissary (grocery store), Finance, Clothing Sales, and the gas station at some point. Then I work Friday through Sunday with Caitlyn home all day on the weekends to ensure that sleep is a complete impossibility.

Now that I've thoroughly bored you all to death with my incessent bitching ;) I slipped in a little tidbit of actual news there. My ultrasound is tomorrow morning, so sometime tomorrow afternoon I should be posting whether or not the next Podolny monster is going to be a boy or a girl.!

1 comment:

Laura said...

When I worked nightshift they let us get out of all those stupid little awards ceremonies, commander's calls, and going away luncheons... They won't even allow a pregnant woman to get her sleep? Don't they care about your health?!

p.s. how come you only let blogger's comment?