Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Final Push

So it's been mentioned that I have been neglectful in my blogging as of late, but rest assured once this final push is over I'll be back to posting totally useless things in far greater numbers. My final Chinese exam is scheduled for Friday. Although I am confident I will easily be able to pass with the minimum score, I would obviously like to score my very best so I am still feeling the pressure during this final week.

All other essentials are basically taken care of. Since we leaving almost directly for home leave, we already had our pack out (kind of nightmare that ended up turning out okay thanks to my super awesome Transportation Counselor), kids are confirmed enrolled in school (and our top choice at that!), housing assignment received and duly fawned over, sponsors have already reached out to us, all home leave travel and tickets arranged, Husband has a confirmed job at the Consulate ( no word on start date, but at least we know he will be working!), new Reserve assignment approved and already gained to my new unit With the exception of a few hiccups things have really fallen into place quite nicely. All that's left is to pass my test!